Monday, December 31, 2007

TMI (too much information)

Finally we are all well. Started Sunday the 23rd... the hubby woke up with bad stomach pain, and multiple trips to the bathroom and shivering fever. No appetite. This continued on through Christmas Eve. Back tummy pain. I must have had sympathy sickness because I felt crummy too. For Christmas dinner..guess what we had..freaking pb&j's..Yep. Sad I know. But I couldn't muster anything more. Justin was stuck on the couch. Christmas night..hmm Tuesday..he runs to the bathroom and pukes. Great. Finally he's feeling better. Wednesday rolls around all is well..then at 11:30pm Jack sits up and barfs all over my bed. And continues to puke in intervals of 15, then 30 then 40 minutes.. he finally stopped at 4:40am. It was terrible. He was dry heaving stomach was heart breaking to see him so sick. Thursday Justin stays home from work because he did not sleep at all. Then Jack's diarrhea sets in.
Fast forward to Saturday..early morning..maybe 5am..Lily wakes with a stomach ache. Pukes at 6. I head to the bathroom, turn...diarrhea and all
Lily throws up one more time. She lies on the couch all day achy and blah..I lay in my bed all day. Diarrhea and cramping..I never did actually throw up though..probably because I didn't eat much..I just was gaging or dry heaving..whatever..
Then Lily's diarrhea set in last night ..and it was freaking her out.
All seems well.
Lily ate.
Jacks poop is normal again..weee!!!
And I am going to make a turkey for dinner. I think I have an appetite now.
Happy New Year!

1 comment:

B said...

families share everything. it really stinks (literally) sometimes.

i've missed reading your blog! i've been away too long! :) i promise i'll visit more now.