Monday, February 11, 2008

Awesomest Thing..Ever

Justins friend came for a visit on Saturday and brought with him his son to play with Jack. He's almost 4 and a game called RockBand for the Xbox 360. It comes with the game, a guitar, drums, and a microphone. I really didn't think Justin would be into it. See, you play the instruments to a wide variety of songs and if you aren't good or not in sync you get kicked off the stage. Its a riot! It was so much fun..we played for hours!
So the next day..(yesterday) we were sitting around, bored..and we decided we needed more. We went to target and dropped the $170 for the game and instuments. We played for a long time last night. You can customize your band member..create a band name, buy some cool gear, either punk, rock, or goth. We switch off but for the most part, I am vocals, Justin on drums and Lily is bass..and you know what..we totally kick ass and it is the best $170 we've spent in a long time. What a fun family thing to do. I love video games now! Its kinda like karaokee but so much better! Weeee!!!! (p.s. pardon and grammer errors as for some reason my spell check doesn't work any more, wtf?)


B said...

that does sound fun! :) better than guitar hero? (which i've never played, btw)

Kelly said...

I think so..but I haven't played guitar Hero though...I think its better because more people can play and theres different instuments..(mic doubles as tambourine) Good times..