Monday, June 25, 2007

Cocktails anyone...

Don't know if its just me, but damn, these children of mine have been exceptionally naughty as of late. Especially the little one. Apparently he cannot understand what 'no' means..he is a broken record, asking over and over and over for the same thing. Even if you let him do the 'said' activity he is begging for..when hes done, he starts all over again and seems to just forget that we just did said activity! Watering is his favorite past time, which is great, but he floods the veggies and makes mud piles everywhere. If he wasn't so damn cute...
And the bigger one...sigh..its all about attitude. Where does she get this shit? I mean really..
We tell her time and time again..all you have to do is listen to your parents and your set, your trouble..but I guess she didn't even listen to that advice either.
Yesterday was a crappy day..I needed to get away. For like 40 minutes I wanted to sit at the pool..alone, read, have a drink and just have my own time. I can't even go to the bathroom, take a shower, check the mail, anything without Jack freaking out..he is so attached to me..not Justin, me..its great and hes my boy, but I am feeling suffocated and I feel like shit saying that. But its got so bad. If we're all in bed and I get up for a drink of water he'll cry and scream bloody murder.
today so far is going great. I will probably take the kids to the pool. I am doing laundry and I finally got enough sleep last night to function properly today,(that's a whole other issue, I cannot sleep, seriously ,I will lay there for hours and maybe sleep 2 hours if i am lucky) Tonight maybe I will have some cocktails and hope I will doze off.

1 comment:

B said...

all moms feel like they're being suffocated at some's nothing to feel like shit about.