Saturday, June 30, 2007

What to do?

Justin took the kids to Toy's R Us (for a new family board game) and Trader Joe's and I am sitting here with alone time and I don't know what to do . I am listening to Loreena McKennitt (The Book of Secrets) and drinking some organic Ethiopian coffee. I guess I could clean my house, but what a bore. I do that all the time anyway. I could work on my knitting project..but I think Luna got into my yarn last night.
Its funny, when Justin and I went out alone last time when we had a sitter, we didn't know what to do, or how to act for that matter. we are so used to having the kids in tow. I think we ended up grabbing a bite to eat and go grocery shopping, how exciting!
I feel crummy this morning, I drank a whole bottle of Gewurztraminer all by myself last night. I was outside with the neighbors playing that game, Catch Phrase while the kids played, and before I knew it, the bottle was empty. Weird.

Lately I haven't been so obsessive about mulling over ingredients at the store. I even bought OtterPops. I am just so sick to death of worry about harmful chemicals and all the funky shit they put in products these days. Even Lily is reading labels and looking for high fructose corn syrup and partially hydrogenated oils. She knows if something has either one of those to put it back on the shelf. My neighbor made fun of me last night and said I worry to much. But she also said that all the gunk and chemicals in food would "boost their immune system and preserve the kids," WTF??
Yes it would be easier to just buy whatever..but I want what is best for my kids, who doesn't. It just ridiculous that if you want to feed your family a healthy organic diet you have to fork over a boatload of $ because it cost twice as much as conventional eats. Just like beauty products, and cleaning stuff. Sure I can spend a $1 on Palmolive or whatever, but I end up spending $5 on Ecover or 7th generation. Its better for the planet, yes, and it doesn't sport the harsh ingredients, but damn, it doesn't work good. Just like the laundry soap. I 've tried all kinds of eco friendly suds and the clothes still come out dirty. Maybe its just my family is extra dirty?!? Oh well..
I am sure all the stress and anxiety I have over what to get and feed my family is doing more harm that if I eat a freaking Twinkie..


B said...

i think everyone should worry a little more about what they're feeding their kids. i used to be OBSESSED with food -- and that was even before kids. pregnancy and fear of what i'm feeding my toddler kicked in and it's still bad...but not quite as bad. i realize that feeding him the occasional ultra-preserved thing won't kill him. i just don't let him stock up on it all the time. but seriously, i think my fear of preservatives in food used to border on an actual phobia. but what can you do? i mean, it's everywhere and buying all the things i'd like just isn't in the budget. :/ what's a mom to do?

chanale said...

I've had really good luck making my own cleaners - healthier and cheaper than any other option out there. If you're interested, you could see if your library has Clean House, Clean Planet - the author rates the recipes for effectiveness, so you'll know what will work like a charm and what will take a lot of extra scrubbing.

The only way I can afford organics is to rarely eat packaged food and get most produce from the CSA or co-op. Though I really wish DH would come home at a decent hour so he could cook sometimes - cooking constantly gets tiring.