Friday, September 14, 2007

Too good to be true..

OK, so yeah, I thought the herbal remedy was working. Maybe I wanted it to work so badly that I was imagining the rash/eczema/bumpy/yucky/itchy/ whatever the hell it is taking over my go away. Its not. Its spreading. What am I suppose to do? The doc won't give me a referral to a dermatologist...maybe I should go elsewhere..different doctor and get a second opinion and beg for a referral...
This is seriously become a major catastrophe.....
Maybe I will post pictures of this plague and hope one of my loyal readers will recognize it and say.."Oh well, Kelly my dear, that is simply...blah, blah, blah, and all you need to do is simply...blah, blah, blah..." That would make my day..
Any herbalist out there??

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