Friday, November 9, 2007

Ode To The Hubs

This post is dedicated to my husband of 12 years, Justin.
Today marks our 12 years anniversary, and what an amazing ride its been. We were engaged while I was a junior in high school. Everyone I knew said how dumb I am and how it would never last. Ha! I was the only one in the career and family development class that really needed the help. Justin and I moved out on our own when I was a senior and had our own apartment. After school when most of my hoodlum friends would head to the park across the street to smoke a joint or just loiter..I tracked off to work at my first job..cashiering at Target.
Justin is the yin to my yang..we are seriously polar opposites, but yet we balance each other out. I can't imagine my life with anyone else. He listens to my silly issues I struggle with..always gives the most logical advice time and time again.
I think I bring out the more sensitive side in him(sounds cheesy I know) but its true. Feelings/ emotions..the whole nine yards.
And his innate playing skills are seriously phenomenal. He is so a kid at heart and I just love that in him. He has blown all of expectations of what I thought a father should be like out the freaking window. Seeing him with the children and how much they adore him, makes my heart curl up and feel all squishy and you know..weepy and reach for the tissue.
I love him more now than ever. I am looking forward to us growing old together. Another road..another odyssey waiting for us to go hand in hand. I love you now and forever

1 comment:

B said...

one word.


congrats :)