Awhile back I may have posted that we got an iguana. Kamajii. Exciting at first, but then became just another chore for me because I had to feed him/her during the day..make sure the temperature was just right,and ya know up the reptile terds.
Eventually when he/she was bigger Justin made Kamajii a leash from my knitting yarn and let him roam about the house. It was so funny, the kids got a kick outta that.
Then the time came where Kamajii was being a asshole and whipping Justin with his tail and biting his fingers a few times..basically just being his wild beastie self, so with much thought we turned Kamajii loose in the back yard to be free. It was warming up and becoming springtime.
Months went by with Justin coming home from work and roaming out to the back and looking up in the trees to see his scaly friend. At times when it was warm..well actually hot..Justin would spray the trees and Kamajii would emerge and drink till his heart content. One hot summer afternoon when Hubby was doing his manly duties and tiding up the back yard..he decided to cut off some dead branches from the tree out there. (Mind you a few weeks if not a month or so have passed by this time). After he finished sawing a big branch, down plopped Kamajii right in front of Justin. Feeling like it was a sign, perhaps meant to be, my sweet little hubby scooped him up and off I went to storage to gather that tank and all the needed accessories to house the iguana.
I was in charge of feeding him, he needed fresh water and fresh veggies. He even ate better than we did at times.
Once again..we realize he is just a wild beastie and should be free..he must have been doing just fine because he survived this long out there, right?
Farewell Kamajii..again.
Now back to date..this past Saturday we were getting ready for Lily's friend to come for a play date and cleaning up a bit. Justin was watering the backyard and picking up miscellaneous toys covered in dirt. I just happened to glance outside the back door in my room and on the flowerbed bricks was a HUGE iguana. I thought for a moment that it was Jacks toy one..but then some sense came over me and I realized it was no that big and not that bright green and then I could muster up was to shriek like a fool"Holy Moly! Look at that!"
lol Justin'bout crapped his pants when he saw Kamajii staring him down. After all this time..again hes alive..he has doubled in size and he lived in our backyard!
Guess what I am doing next? I am trucking it to my storage room and lugging that bigass, heavy glass tank thingy back to the house and to start this whole fiasco over again.
So ya, we have beastie back, for the time being anyway.
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Well poop. I haven't read this post yet. Just online super quick to moderate comments. Adrien's in his high chair eating beans.
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