Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Fire Storm..

There is fire..everywhere. We are located pretty much right in the middle. There is fire to the north and south of us. Lily has been out of school for two days and they will probably close it for the rest of the week. They have evacuated Spring Valley which is the city next to us. The air quality is horrendous. The winds are wicked, blowing debris and all kinds of stuff in the air. There is 2% humidity. The lights are flickering and the TV went out last night. We are sealed inside the house with the air cleaner and humidifier on..and at times the A/C..but we are trying to conserve. Scary times..its not as bad as the Cedar Fires of 2003, when we could see the fire from our bedroom window. We were next to evacuate. The shopping center across from Lily's school was evacuated and that is right down the street. There is no mention of evac for us at this time, thank goodness. I feel for all those who are hurt and/or lost there homes in this terrible fire. My thoughts are with all those affected by this, and I pray we aren't next.

1 comment:

B said...

i'm praying for you guys. keep us posted if at all possible.