The good..

thank goodness we have such a tolerant dog..any animal that is willing to put up with Jack is a saint in my book. Maybe she likes it..its a hot wheel massage...
The Bad....

While outside yesterday Salsa decided it would be a genius idea to sneak into Lily's room and snag some random toy. Who knows how much she ate of this..I don't even know what the hell it is. Needless to say..puking ensued in the wee hours of the morning.
And finally the ''omg what the hell"

While talking to food lady at my door about the yummy pasta she was giving me..Jack asked if he could paint again. I said no being the mean horrible mom that I he plots his evil revenge and plops himself down right in the living room and starts to dump out paint on the carpet. When I realized what he had done I think I had a small coronary...I was about to grab food lady's cane because I almost collapsed to the floor.
Granted its kiddie paint and washable..well apparently it's false advertising because I couldn't get that shit out the carpet for the life of me. Yes I know it looks small..but it smeared into a giant footlong it looks like a murder scene in my livingroom.
So yeah...he'll have to wait until kindergarten for more painting classes.
OH THAT SUCKS! (the barfing dog and the paint)
Resolve carpet cleaner works pretty well...all chemically, I know...but it got huge poop stains out of my white carpet lol maybe it could help you?
LMAO- "Hot wheels massage"!!!!!!! re: the paint smear, I always wish i had just left it alone and covered it with a nice plant.
yipes sounds like you had a tough day. Way to not have a large coronary.
I've pretty much given up on my floors and just go with the assumption that I'll be getting new stuff once the kids are older.
Hi there found you on mombloggersclub. we have a greyhound also and he is so good w/ our 2.5 year old. They are such gentle giants. BTW I think all men and boys like napolean dynamite, I can't stand it! Love your blog.
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