Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sad, Sad Day

This is my Thursday morning round up.....
Jack was riding his scooter out front while I was chugging some coffee watching him. I was twirlin' my hair and gazing at the black beetle that was crawling on the stairs. Then I glanced at my hair. Starring back at me white as snow was one gnarly gray-ish, white-ish strand of my locks.
I thought to myself it was just a really, really blonde piece. My hair is light brown with tons of reddish blondish colors. Whatever. I don't color my hair..its from the sun.
At closer inspection I came to the grim reality that it is indeed a white hair. White.
I was so desperate in thinking..'hey earlier I was hugging Salsa so maybe it was her hair...' yeah that sounded good. But common sense kicked in unfortunately..shes a short hair hound damn it.
Dude, I'm only 31. I phoned hubs in desperation to spill out my sorrows. Instead of consoling me and hearing me out..he laughs. Thanks for the support dude.
I have saved this hair and it is currently taped to my computer desk whipping in the wind. I will show it to Lily upon her arrival from school and let her know soon I will look like Gandolf if she keeps stressing me out.
Guess its time to get to know Nice and Easy.
This day is starting off fabulously.


Alice said...

I had one of those moments a few weeks back where I found one random white hair. Bizarre! I made Babycakes scour the rest of my head, but no others thankfully!

Sue Wilkey said...

I don't know how to break it to you, but there is another region that is worse to find your first grey hair. THAT, my friend, is a sad day.Trust me.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I've got way more gray than you. I'll be totally gray by the time I'm 40. If you're just discovering your first! Sheesh! Oh, and no gray there for me either but if I grow out my beard that's gray. too.