Thursday, August 23, 2007

Bring it on..

I am beyond sick of these freaking little ants that are currently invading my home. In fact one is crawling down my back as I speak. They are EVERYWHERE...last night Justin and I were watching some quality television..(high def travel show) and Jack wants us to come see the ants in his room. I figured there were a few stragglers left as they all congregate in the kitchen. We go look and they are in one of his buckets of toys. He has this wooden shelf thingy with different colored plastic bins to sort stuff. Anyway, the one filled with 'guys' (action figures) was swarming with ants. What! food in there. So we investigate, where the hell are they coming from? Justin looks around, and I decided to look behind the organizing shelf..and low and behold they are literally pouring outta the electrical socket! Eww!
We have tried everything to kill ants..all kinds of natural remedies..nothing worked(we have this problem EVERY summer). I have tried tea tree oil mixed with water, borax around the perimeter of the house, Cayenne pepper, salt, etc. Someone mentioned to me the only thing that works in we did try it(last summer) and does the job..I think that and a a combination of lemon. Justin got a lemon and cut it in half and rubbed it all over the counters and stove, dishwasher, etc. After that day, I swear we didn't see ants again. But they were just hiding out. A few weeks after they returned. I don't know what to do. I could call my Dewy guy, but my boss doesn't recommend that because he sprays inside the house and you have to cover EVERYTHING. Not to mention its nasty and toxic. Not good for anyone..They say its fine of course..well if that's the case why does he come all decked out in a face mask, gloves up to his elbows and big boots? (I had seen him come to one of my tenets home). Just figures too, that hubby forgot to take the trash out and that only beckoned the insects to come and take charge.
Other that this, I really haven't much to post. Lily is doing great so far in school. Getting super excited for her bday(which isn't even until the end of next month!) She is telling everyone about her "Hannah Montana" party. I am such a planner..its pretty anal..I bought her bday stuff before Jacks party. I love planning. I already have 2 things for Jack for Xmas. I know when I am ordering my free range organic turkey for Thanksgiving. It is terrible because Justin is 100% opposite of me..he doesn't plan ANYTHING. I ask him on Tuesday what we are doing on Sat. He doesn't even want to talk about it. He says wait until Sat. What! I love organizing and planning. I love that show Mission =Organization on HGTV..and House Hunters. OK, I am off to get my coffee, I have rambled on enough about dumb stuff.... ciao!


B said...

have you tried mixing borax with peanut butter? it's weird, but there's a "recipe" in a cookbook i have for it. i mean, just make sure it's nowhere a dog or kid could get a hold of it. might be hard with the kitties.

we had ants living under our carpet coming in from outside. we left for the weekend to the in laws and bombed the house with those raid bombs. i mean, it's still icky stuff but not quite as toxic, etc. as professional grade. we just put everything we didn't want touched by chemicals in one room we didn't want bombed and shoved a rolled up towel in the space between the bottom of the door and the floor. turn off the a/c and leave for the recommended amount of time. when you come back wash all dishes and scrub countertops, etc.

it worked for us.

B said...

Nice new look! I'm trying to find the Borax/PB mixture recipe. I think the point is to attract them. They eat it, and then they die. It's mostly for outside use though. However, if you put it out and someone's kid or dog got into it you'd be liable...not good :/ But I'll still try to email it to you nonetheless. I thought it was weird that it was in a cookbook! LOL