Lily does her usual. Scanning for scary stories.. Unfortunately she finds two books..2 of the most ridiculous joke books. If I have to hear a 'knock, knock' joke one more time....she loves them though..
She also picked out a Katie Kazoo Switcharoo book called "I Hate Rules" appropriate.
And finally she comes across this gem of a book..
She has read it cover to cover 3 times.
There is a ghost hunter in the book, her name is
"Dee Bunker", Lily has found her hero!
She has been taking notes and such from this book, drilling Justin and I if we have had an encounter with a poltergeist. Now...she wants a freaking Ouija Board.
Oh hell no.
I don't remember how that came about..
There is a picture of items in the book you need to be a 'ghost hunter'..She is currently at the kitchen table writing down all this crap and gathering all sorts of weird things to become a ghost hunter. She is also wanting to research haunted houses in our area. This is so funny..she goes from playing fairies to hunting poltergeists..what a change..
If you ever need a ghost banished from your home, you know you can count on my 8 1/2 year old ghost hunter girl to take care of it. :)
She just asked me for her birthday if she can get a electromagnetic detector!!!
I heard about the earthquake. Hope you guys made it through ok ;)
i'll be a regular on your blog again soon -- promise. how goes it?
I went through a phase where I read a lot of ghost stories also.
And yeah, HELLZ NO to a ouija board in the house.
I will admit to being intrigued by that show Ghost Hunters International whenever I manage to catch it. It's usually not too scary and she might get a kick out of it.
I'd be so thrilled if my 11yr. old liked to read that much. My 8 yr. old does, but hasn't come up with anything she's obsessed with yet.
I was totally like that at her age (I still love paranormal stuff) But in all seriousness, and I'm not a freak, NO OUIJA BOARD. Scares the crap outta me. Does she watch Ghost Hunters?
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