Saturday, August 16, 2008

20 Things...

I got this from Caroline over at The Zen In You. Your suppose to answer the questions with one word..kinda hard..
Thought I'd give it a go...

1. Your cell phone? annoying
2.Your significant other? soul mate..
3. Your hair? thick
4. Your mother? lost
5. Your father? unknown
6. Your kid(s)? blessings
7. Your favorite thing? coffee
8. Your dream last night? weird
9. The room you're in? living room
10. Your fear? sickness
11. What you're not? optimistic
12. Last thing you did before logging on? consumed coffee
13. Where did you grow up? San Diego
14. What are you wearing? clothes
15. Your computer? rocks
16. Favorite place? cooking in kitchen
17. Your mood right now? anxious
18. Missing someone? always
19. Something you're not wearing? shoes
20. Your life? content

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