Thursday, August 21, 2008

Unspectacular Things...

My new bloggy buddy over at Confessions of.. tagged me to list 6 unspectacular things about me...
For starters let the record be known that I have waaayyy more than 6, but I am playin' by the rules, yo.
Lets see..oh yeah..the rules..

1. Link the person who tagged you
2. Mention the rules on your blog
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4. Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them & leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they have been tagged.
The last part of the tag game is to send it to six people you want to know 6 insignificant or unspectacular quirks about.
(I don't know if I'll tag fact if your reading this, why don't you join in !)

1. I can't stand it when my kids don't match. For instance when Jack dressed himself and put on a stripped shirt and checkered made my palms sweaty and my stomach hurt. Drives me crazy. Lily does this all the time JUST to make me mad.
2. When I was a kid I used to do an awesome impression of 'The Incredible Hulk'. I used to vibrate and shake and pretend to transform into the green giant. Hmm...that explains alot..
3. Most of the time I don't eat 'normal' breakfast items. For me I would much rather have leftovers or a sandwich or something..and of course my coffee.
4. I can't go to bed at night if there is dirty dishes in the sink. Also I don't like to leave the house unless it is neat and tidy. Who wants to come home to a messy home? Even if your just going to the market down the street. Such a nice feeling to come back to cleanliness. :)
5. I am obsessively stocking up on everything. You know how many bottles of shampoo and conditioner are in the kids bathroom? Last I counted there was
6. This last one is probably the most prominent in my life. I am such an anal planner/organizer. I cannot function if I do not know whats going to happen for the day. I am a list maker. In fact..I make lists of lists that need to be made. It makes me want to barf not knowing whats going on this weekend. Seriously I NEED to know. Whats worse..Justin is the polar opposite of me and would rather decided whats going on like 5 minutes prior. Grrr..I hate that. I like things planned and organized. Things just go way more smoothly that way..for me anyway.
So there you have it...and if your just dying to know..I have WAY more unspectacular things..the list (haha the list) is never ending..Seriously.


Amy said...

My oldest daughter does not ever match either and I could strangle her. She always insists that it DOES match, just like the too tight shirt DOES fit her. Kids, what to do with them!!

Unknown said...

I can so relate to #1 and at time I think the beans do it to me on purpose-they are so cruel like that!

Caroline said...

Very interesting! I always like to find out more about my BBF's! I am totally with you on house has to sparkle before I hit the bed (or I can't sleep well...weird but true).

kimamurphy said...

I am gonna go through my old pics and find one of you doing your Hulk impression. I know I have one somewhere. I am gonna scan it and post it! You have to actually see it to appreciate it! : )

yer sis

Hecate RavenMoon said...


Well, I can relate to numbers 3, 4, 5, & 6.

#3--What is my idea of a 'normal' breakfast? Raw carrots, melba toast with rice cheese, and a diet Dr. Pepper.

#4--A 'neat-freak'??--Honey, I will kick my husband out of the house on Wednesdays and Saturdays starting at 5am to clean and he BETTER not re-enter the house before 7pm! Oh yeah, and he BETTER remove his shoes, too, because I just waxed the floor.

#5--I am constantly over-stocking on Pagan/Wiccan items. Especially books, crystals, Tarot cards, and Rune stones.

#6--A 'list maker'--that's me to a 'T'. I usually have my lists made out one week in advance. I cannot function without a list. I even have a 'spend time with hubby' list! LOL!

Thanks for sharing. This was kind of cool.

Have a great week.