Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Visions Of Recipes Danced In My head

I couldn't sleep at all last night. Why you ask? Maybe the coffee ice cream we ate..nah, that wasn't it. Perhaps it is the tens of thousands of annoying crickets that gathering outside my door and have a insanely loud chirp fest..nope..not last night.

I couldn't get a wink because I was constantly thinking of new dishes to make. I think I should put a paper, pen and a small flashlight next to my bed, that way when a light bulb goes off at 2:14 am I can jot down the recipe and not have to rack my brain and try to remember the details in the morning.

Today I have to pick up Lily's friend for a swimming day/play date at 11ish. Lily is thrilled because her friend is is bringing Lily a poster of the beloved Joe Jonas.

Lily already has a small poster of the J Bros..now another..(sigh)..shes only almost 9...and posters ..of boys...???

Well I guess I have no room to talk..I had New Kids On The Block covering every inch of my walls when I was 10.


Sue Wilkey said...

If you don't want her whole room plastered, don't buy those magazines - it's Poster-RAMA!!!! (trust me: 11 year old is in The Nick Room, 7 year old down the hall in The Joe Room.

Kelly said...

..I mistakenly bought her one of those Tiger Beat mags thinking it was little quizes and articles. Little did I know there were millions of pull-out posters!
And to top that..her friend that came over brought her more..posters..of Joe..
(Well at least he's good lookin')

Amy said...

I bought my girls the mags just for the posters. I really don't mind looking at Joe when I go in their room....really! :D We got the new CD today...woohoo!

Kelly said...

Amy..so true..I much rather gaze longingly into..(oops I mean glance) at Joe Jonas than Hannah Montana..lol

Unknown said...

Kelly man O man-my lilest bean LOVES the Joanas bros...girlie you gotta get sleep here I was looking for a recipe!