Did anyone watch the Democratic National Convention tonight? That moved me to tears when Joe Biden came up and gave his
speech...wow...Seeing his mom there..beaming with pride as he recounted things she said when he was a youngin'..
I am looking forward to hearing Obama's ' speech tomorrow..
I am a mama for Obama!!!!
I am starting to see that bumper sticker everywhere...Mama for Obama. It has a nice ring to it. I tuned into the convention a bit late and only saw Hilary speak. I don't remember much of what she said since I was blinded by her orange suit!
I'm still stuck on Bill Clinton mouthing "I Love you I love You I love You" to Hillary - WTF? Was he on E or was there an intern standing behind her?
Just stopping in to say hello and look at the pics of your kids as they get trundled off to school.
I sorta wish I was staying at home in the blessed peace and quiet for these first few days!
I'm still craving your cooking. *sigh* And now I'm having a wing craving. Smooches to my best west coast gal!
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